It's time to meet your unreliable narrator; me. If you don't know by now, I'm Tiffany, a corporate girlie, dog mom, girlfriend, lover of nature, and budding writer (or so I would like to think). 'by the day' was born out of my want for a creative space, I'm here to say my piece on whatever topic I'd like, and 'by the day' is supposed to be that space for you too.
My baby boy, Finn, who is now three years-old (don't get me started on how quickly time has flown) will definitely make a consistent appearance here- if you aren't as obsessed as I am, it might get a little annoying. I don't care though, we're a package deal. My live-in boyfriend, Matthew, friends, and family will be featured as well :)
I'm not going to promise consistency or even quality. But, I'm hoping that in whatever this project becomes, I'm able to document the majority of my 20s. whether my posts are vapid, boring, or embarrassing is beside the point. The intent is to talk about everything I can think of, with varying degrees seriousness. An emphasis on design and literature (if you consider smutty fantasy books literature).
I enjoy fiction, fantasy, mystery, memoirs, biographies, thrillers, self help books, pretty much anything has an opportunity to land in my bookshelf. I am always looking for new finds, so my comments/inbox are always open for your recommendations.
without further ado... welcome to 'by the day,'